Thursday, 14 August 2014

                                  4 C MODEL FOR EVALUATION OF HRM

Michael Beer, Best Spector, Paul Lawrence, Quinn Mills & Richard Walton came up with this model in their book titled "Managing Human Assets". They argued that HRM effectiveness must be evaluated in terms of their consequences.

COMMITMENT:  To what extent HRM polices and practices enhances the commitment of people to their work and their organization. Commitment implied that employees will be motivated to hear, understand and respond to management communication about changes with implications for wages and work practices real requirements.

COMPETENCE:  To what extent HRM policies and practices attract, keep and develop people with skills and knowledge needed now and in the future, competence implied that versatility in skills and practical perspectives required to take on new roles.

COST EFFECTIVENESS: Cost effectiveness implied that the organization HR costs are kept equal or less than those of the main competitors.

CONGRUENCE: How HRM policies and practices generate congruence. High congruence than the competitors also implied that the organization has shaped work system, reward system and ensure policies flow does take place.


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